The window is placed in the centre of the wall panel. The wall panels are interchangeable.
Additional Opening Window
Dimensions: 630 x 630 mm
Cedar Frame & Clear Acrylic
The window is placed in the centre of the wall panel. The wall panels are interchangeable.
Additional Opening Window
Dimensions: 1200mm x 640mm.
Cedar Frame & Clear Acrylic.
The window is placed in the centre of the wall panel. The wall panels are interchangeable.
140 x 35mm Treated Pine Framing
19mm Yellow-tongue Flooring
750mm long 100 x 100 mm Treated Pine Posts
Suitable for uneven ground. It is recommended that the posts are concreted 400-500mm in the ground.
140 x 35mm Treated Pine Framing
19mm Yellow-tongue Flooring
750mm long 100 x 100 mm Treated Pine Posts
Suitable for uneven ground. It is recommended that the posts are concreted 400-500mm in the ground.
140 x 35mm Treated Pine Framing
19mm Yellow-tongue Flooring
750mm long 100 x 100 mm Treated Pine Posts
Suitable for uneven ground. It is recommended that the posts are concreted 400-500mm in the ground.
The skylight is a clear fiberglass panel that replaces one colorbond roof sheet.
880 x 760 mm
Richmond, Palmwood, Oxford, Hazel, Maple
1150 x 760 mm
Hyland, Glendale, Master, Willow
1480 x 760 mm
Rebated Floor
70 x 35 mm Treated Pine Framing
19mm Yellow-tongue Flooring
Suitable for any level surface (grass/dirt/gravel etc.)
8ft Loft Shelf
Dimensions: 2400 x 300 mm
The loft shelf provides extra storage under the roof of the shed.
6ft Loft Shelf
Dimensions: 1800 x 300 mm
The loft shelf provides extra storage under the roof of the shed.
Palmwood, Hyland
1150 x 1840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning either side of the shed.
1150 x 2440 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed.
1150 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed.
1150 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
1150 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed.
Maple, Willow
1150 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
1150 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed.
1150 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
1480 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off either side of the shed.
1480 x 2440 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off either side of the shed.
2740 x 1480 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
1480 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off either side of the shed.
Maple, Willow
3640 x 1480 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
1480 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off either side of the shed.
4840 x 1480 x 1900 (Front x Side x Height)
The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed.
Slide Kit
Includes an adjusted railing & ground pegs to make provision for a slide to be attached to the Hideout Tower.
The slide is NOT included – you can purchase 2.2m slide from Bunnings to suit the 1m elevation. Click Here.
Double Doors
Dimensions: 1850 x 1440 mm
This option is an upgrade from a single door to double doors, it is not an extra set of doors.
Gable Wall Double Doors
Dimensions: 1850 x 1440 mm
This option is an upgrade from a single door to double doors, it is not an extra set of doors.
Extra Height
Adding extra height will automatically add ply bracing and sarking.
For the Hazel/Maple/Willow/Hollydean adding extra height will take the doors and windows one board higher, taking the doors from 1775mm high to 1875mm high.
For the Oxford/Glendale/Bromley/Master/Chatswood the doors will remain at 1875mm high.
Extra Height
For the Jarrah/Oakley/Pioneer adding extra height will take the doors and windows one board higher, taking the doors from 1775mm high to 1875mm high.
For the Barakula/Beech/Spruce/Jacaranda the doors will remain at 1875mm high.
Roof Insulation
Additional Double Doors
Dimensions: 1750 x 1440 mm
This option is an extra set of doors.
1450mm deep x the length of the studio roof
Additional Opening Window
Dimensions: 630 x 630 mm
Cedar Frame & Tinted 4.5mm Acrylic
The window is placed in the centre of the wall panel. The wall panels are interchangeable.
Fixed Window
Dimensions: 1615 mm high x 680mm wide
Additional Single Door
Dimensions: 1850mm high x 840mm wide
The skylight is a clear fiberglass panel that replaces one colorbond roof sheet.