31 May pool-shed
Posted at 10:04h
Dimensions | |
Palmwood, Hyland | 1150 x 1840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning either side of the shed. |
Gelndale | 1150 x 2440 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Oxford | 1150 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Hazel | 1150 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Master | 1150 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Maple, Willow | 1150 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Chatswood | 1150 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Hollydean | 1150 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The lean-to is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Dimensions | |
Oxford | 1480 x 2740 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Glendale | 1480 x 2440 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Hazel | 2740 x 1480 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Master | 1480 x 3640 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Maple, Willow | 3640 x 1480 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Chatswood | 1480 x 4840 x 1900 mm (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off either side of the shed. |
Hollydean | 4840 x 1480 x 1900 (Front x Side x Height) The annex is an awning off the front or back of the shed. |
Adding extra height will automatically add ply bracing and sarking.
For the Hazel/Maple/Willow/Hollydean adding extra height will take the doors and windows one board higher, taking the doors from 1775mm high to 1875mm high.
For the Oxford/Glendale/Bromley/Master/Chatswood the doors will remain at 1875mm high.